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Welcome to Imperial Guards Clan website! You can find almost all the information about us at this place, if you have any question please send it to my email ( Enjoy your stay!


October 8
Added new head line "October War" in Clan Relation!
October 6
*We declared war on Shadow of Sun and The Gathering!
*Won the war!
October 5
*Clan select Janeway and Wigglesworth as our Note Taker!
*Clan select Goatrider and Exzibit as our War General!
October 4
*Add title for the story writed by Azuredragon "The Legend"!
*Another  link added into Other Realm Page!
October 3
*Changing some page name and delete "Creation of Clan", added "The Return"
*New Clan Contest added, check it out!
October 2
*New Screen Shot added!

We Challenge YOU!

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All members is urged to visit this website often, to get information about our clan! Also join clan Contest for $$$$ and a lot more prizes!

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